18.5 oz Plastic bottle with Pump $15.00 (sold out)
For lotions and Hand sanitizer
4oz Spray Plastic Bottle $8.00(Sold out)
Liquid Soap. 32 oz $20.00. Gal $$85.00 (sold out)
1/2oz Glydant Plus $25.00
A broad. Spectrum preservative that's great for Lotions, Creams and other personal care products.
SALE Dendritic Salt $60.00 per lb
Dendritic salt is a natural salt which absorbs essential and fragrance oils much more efficiently than other salts. Its formulation prevents caking and retains the scent in bath salts much longer than regular salts do which allows your products to have a longer shelf life.
Add your essential or fragrance oils to the dendritic salt, mix well, and then add this mixture to the rest of your salt mixture. It is said that dendritic salt dissolves at more than twice the rate of conventional salts. Recommended usage: Use 1 cup of dendritic salt for every 20 cups of the other salts in your recipe.
This is a non-GMO product.